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Emergency Dentistry: Its Importance And Services Offered in St. Augustine

May 24, 2018

Filed under: Emergency Dentistry — saltrun @ 4:22 am

Health emergencies are unavoidable, which also applies to dental emergencies. Several dental complications need urgent treatments to ease the pain and discomfort and also prevent any other complications. Immediate treatments prohibit any serious issues from developing as well as provide lesser pain and cost. Salt Run Family Dentistry believes that quick relief should be offered to patients who need emergency dental care without having them wait for days before receiving treatments.

Emergency Treatments Provided by Salt Run Family Dentistry

  • Root Canal

The procedure is performed by an Endodontist which involves the removal of a dental pulp (Tooth’s vital part) that has been infected that can cause pain to the patient. As the phrase goes, treat the cause and not the symptoms; thus getting rid of the pain, a Root canal should be performed. After the removal of the infected pulp, the tooth is then thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to make sure that nothing would cause any further damage. Gutta-percha is used to temporarily to seal the tooth while waiting for the permanent crown that will provide an added protection to the weakened state of the tooth.

  • Common Extractions

The procedure is considered to be among the most common dentistry procedures that are regularly performed. A tooth that is beyond the repair of any other dental processes might require extraction to minimize any further damage to the surrounding dental structures and tissues. An infected or damaged tooth can cause pain to the patient due to an infection spreading in the tooth structure. Immediate removal is recommended to ease the pain felt by the patient as well as to stop the disease from spreading.

  • Surgical Extractions

A Surgical Tooth Extraction is performed when the teeth that need extraction is harder to reach. It may involve removal of gum or bone tissues to remove the tooth properly. The patient will undergo a dental x-ray for the dentist to evaluate the mouth structure and determine if the removal requires a Simple or Surgical Extraction. Impacted wisdom tooth usually needs to be surgically extracted. After the procedure, a stitch is necessary to close the extraction site properly.

  • Broken Teeth

A broken tooth can be fractured, cracked, or even chipped but either way, it immediately needs the attention of a dentist for a treatment to ease the pain as well as prevent any further damage. A cracked tooth may not hurt all the time, but you can feel it especially when you are biting down on foods which can cause the crack to widen. A chipped tooth can also expose the dentin which can increase sensitivity and leaves the affected tooth vulnerable to bacterias.

  • A Toothache

The cause of a Toothache can be unclear, but whatever the cause is, it can be painful and uncomfortable. Over-the-counter pain reliever medicines can help alleviate the pain, but it is only temporary, that is why emergency treatments should be performed to identify the cause and to eliminate the pain and discomfort felt by the patient.

  • Cavities

If cavities are left untreated, it can gradually damage the teeth and cause several issues to one’s dental health. Earliest signs of cavities need urgent treatment to prevent it from spreading and cause dental complications.

  • Swollen Jaws

Like toothaches, the cause of swollen jaws can be unclear since there are several factors which can cause it. A dentist can help with a correct diagnosis of the Cause as well as provide the necessary treatment to ease the pain and discomfort of the patient affected by jaw swelling.

Getting the necessary treatments needed is essential in maintaining good oral health status. Practice good oral hygiene as well as schedule regular dental cleanings and checkups to minimize the need for Emergency dentistry.

Looking for a safe a dental clinic that provides urgent dental care? Book an appointment with us, call (904) 824-3540. Salt Run Family Dentistry have caring and dedicated staff to help you relieve the pain and discomfort with our Emergency Dentistry Service in St. Augustine.

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